Painted Meadow

Friday, May 17, 2013

What's Up in May

I've been away from this blog for WAY too long and I apologize. I'm going to try and be better about posting.

I'm not going to try and make up for lost time; I'm just going to jump in to the present.

 We did a little painting for Mother's Day. Ainsley was content to color w/ a marker, at first, then once she saw the paint, she started whining. Paint was too messy for her, it became nap time.

 One of the places we like to go is The Exploration Place. Here is Ainsley w/ her friend Claire.

 Carsen is planting some vegetables and the girls are raking the carpet.

 Carsen's preschool Spring program. They were so cute!

 Carsen w/ his teacher and class.

 We spent the Saturday of Mother's Day weekend at Rolling Hills Zoo in Salina.
 Riding the frog.

Carsen's last day of Preschool! (He still has another year of preschool before kindergarten.)