Painted Meadow

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day Six - Carpet, Trimming, and Touching Up

We were so busy yesterday trying to get painting done before Carol and Aaron left, that I forgot to take any pictures. Painting is done in every room except for the trim. Since the carpet was ripped out in the living room, we were able to paint the trim in the living room w/o worrying about the carpet. Eric fogged the living room for fleas b/c he saw more while replacing part of the sub floor in the dining room. Our bug guy is coming tomorrow to spray and said it would be safe to lay the carpet after he was done. I thought I'd gotten poison ivy on my ankles b/c on Tues. they were itching like crazy. Come to find out they're flea bites!! Yuck!

The sub floor in the dining room Eric ripped up and replaced. In the left corner was where the cat pee smell was strongest and had soaked through.

Carpet in the master bedroom.
Carpet down the hall.

The living room w/ new trim awaiting flea treatment and new carpet.

Stairwell is done! A lot of leaning over the railing and careful rolling b/c of the new carpet on the stairs.