Toy Story has been a must see at our house lately. Carsen's favorite character is Buzz. I think it's b/c he can say that easier than Woody, but who knows? Anyway, we were at Walmart last week and he saw a picture of Buzz and started saying his name. We go back to the toy department and found a plush Buzz that talked. He smiled but wouldn't hold it so I put it back on the shelf (no way I'm going to spend $10 when he didn't like it that much). On the shelf across the aisle was a stack of cowboy hats. Carsen went crazy, "Hat! Hat!" I put it on his head and the boy was in love. He wore it all day and of course demanded to ride the horse right inside the front door. I think we're going to have to start going in the other doors at Walmart from now on to avoid a massive fit throwing.